Frequently Asked Questions

Getting a quote is easy:

  • Download our app or visit Paris
  • Enter your desired dates and locations as if you are booking
  • On the next step you will see the rates for each vehicle class

The amount of rides you perform is entirely up to you. You can accept as many rides as your capacity allows. The volume of rides on offer is dependent on regional and seasonal demand.

At the beginning of each month, we will send you an invoice with the details of all the rides you performed in the previous month. Your invoice will also list any additional compensation for extras, such as wait time or route changes. Payments are made via wire/bank transfer and are usually visible in your account by the 17th of the month.

Only certain vehicles can be used for Paris Transfers rides. Vehicle requirements can vary depending on which city you work in, and you can find the vehicle list you need here. Just select the country and city you want to find out more about.

Our partner application process helps us find the best professional chauffeur services available. We only work with insured, licensed chauffeur companies, and our document requirements are based on local regulations, so you should not need any additional paperwork to get started! Once your documents are approved, the last step in the registration process is to participate in an online group webinar session. This interview gives us the chance to get to know each other and ask questions about our expectations of one another in our new partnership. After the webinar, you’re good to go! You can begin your partner application here.

Yes! In some markets customers can specifically request EVs, and in many others they are incorporated into our regular fleet. Plus, our Dubai fleet is now completely electrified!We highly encourage investing in electric vehicles, not just because it’s better for your carbon footprint, but customer demand is increasing - alongside fossil fuel prices.Only fully electric vehicles can be used to perform EV rides. Accepted EV models can vary depending on which city you work in, and you can find the vehicle list you need here.

Yes! In some markets customers can specifically request EVs, and in many others they are incorporated into our regular fleet. Plus, our Dubai fleet is now completely electrified!We highly encourage investing in electric vehicles, not just because it’s better for your carbon footprint, but customer demand is increasing - alongside fossil fuel prices.Only fully electric vehicles can be used to perform EV rides. Accepted EV models can vary depending on which city you work in, and you can find the vehicle list you need here.

Yes! In some markets customers can specifically request EVs, and in many others they are incorporated into our regular fleet. Plus, our Dubai fleet is now completely electrified!We highly encourage investing in electric vehicles, not just because it’s better for your carbon footprint, but customer demand is increasing - alongside fossil fuel prices.Only fully electric vehicles can be used to perform EV rides. Accepted EV models can vary depending on which city you work in, and you can find the vehicle list you need here.
